For those who know this song, has there ever been a song on more mix tapes, or in this day and age, playlists, than The Lemonheads version of "The Outdoor Type"? I say The Lemonheads version because most people do not know that Evan Dando did not write this song. It's a cover but they made it so much their own it's like Hendrix's "All Along the Watchtower" to Bob Dylan's original off of his record "John_Wesley_Harding", not to be confused with the singer of the same name above the title. Another example, how many times do you listen to The Isley Brothers version of "Twist and Shout"? Thank you. The original song was written by a man by the name of Tom Morgan.
I've listened to The Lemonheads long enough that the CD I bought of It's_a_Shame_About_Ray is one of the original releases because it does NOT contain the alterna-hit of the Simon and Garfunkel cover of, "Mrs. Robinson". I was however a little late to "The Outdoor Type". A friend of mine, Chicago musician Jim Green a.k.a "Wandering Endorphin" (check him out live. If you close your eyes it sounds like there several guitarists on stage but it's just Jim) put it on, what else, a mix tape for me circa 2001. I was immediately floored by this song. Let's give a watch and a listen to The Lemonheads.
The narrator is in the relational confessional. I see you nodding your head in identification. His girl suspects something, there's a chip in his armor of amor. It wasn't like he said he climbed The Matterhorn, it wasn't like he said he was a stuntman, or a skydiver. He's not Shackleton. He just stretched the truth a little to his, at the time, crush, about his abilities to go camping, put up a tent, build a fire, maybe even find chewing gum in a stick. He wants to get the girl. He gets the girl. Now,the fire, so to speak, doesn't start, her hands are on her hip, her eyebrow is raised, her foot is tapping . . . well? The jig is up. It's time to come clean. Who hasn't been in a similar situation in some form or another?
Another artist I've been listening to, Frank Turner, covers "The Outdoor Type". As I mentioned it's not even a Lemonheads song. As I read some of the comments on YouTube, some think it's a Frank Turner song. It's just humorous to read their disbelief when they find out Frank didn't write it. Turner, however, is a great songwriter in his own write. I'm always interested in what some of my favorite artists cover. It's like getting a secret peek in their record collection. I've come to believe that the version a person hears first is always the original, at least in their brain. It's been that way in my finite brain anyway. That's another blog entry for another day, I suppose, Cover vs. Original. Maybe not the same cache as Godzilla vs Rodan, but I digress, let's watch Frank Turner's version.
Dang! I thought I hated The Lemonheads (well, Dando, really) as a rule. But that's a great little tune. And John Strohm is a fantastic and underappreciated guitarist. So is Dave Schramm, for that matter.